
4/1/18 Update (a tad late)

A project log for Ukebot

A robot that can play the Ukulele

claraClara 04/16/2018 at 03:270 Comments

Over  the last month or so, I have really started making necessary parts for my final project, taking a step away from the prototyping stage. I've printed all my smaller pushing parts (that go directly on the linear rails) and have also cut out some of the smaller pieces for the finished design. Over the next week, I plan on getting out all my parts, checking for final measurements, and then cutting the larger boards. ideally, I will also be able to print all 16 pushers as well. If this all goes smoothly, within 2 weeks from now I should have a more-or-less working "left hand" for my robot. I will also need to work on the springs, but that should (hopefully) be fairly quick work.

In the weeks following that, I will want to find a way to manage the "right hand" portion of my implementation, as well as the code. Though it seems like pretty tight timing, I think it may be possible.
