
12/4/17 Update

A project log for Ukebot

A robot that can play the Ukulele

claraClara 12/04/2017 at 14:020 Comments

While waiting for my ordered parts to arrive, I have so far begun to design the main frame of the robot. I have also started rounding up parts that I can find in the lab that I will be using. I may consider purchasing some more parts at a later date, but if so, I plan to do so soon so they arrive in time.

Currently, the only issue that is really concerning me is the fact that my personal computer has trouble recognizing many/most of the microcontrollers. Thankfully, I can just use the computers in the lab to avoid this issue, but it is still somewhat distressing. 

Continuing from my last update, I have ordered the rails as well as the wire for the springs. They will most likely be arriving pretty soon. As for my timeline, I continue with a similar plan: finish design and manufacturing of all mainframe parts by the end of 2017 (2 more weeks in the lab) or in the first few weeks of 2018.
