
April/May Update (Final Update)

A project log for Gesture Control Gaming Gloves

A pair of gesture control glove for use with video games

apasquerapasquer 06/01/2018 at 00:170 Comments

During the months of April and May, the glove itself was constructed and programmed.  In order to finish the project, the design was simplified from two gloves with five flex sensors each to one glove with one flex sensor.  Once all of the wires were soldered together for the glove (as a breadboard on the hand would be too unwieldy) the coding process began.  The code for the glove and base station was completed, with the goal of the flex sensor causing a mouse click and the IMU movement causing in-game movement.  However, there was a problem with the xBee communication where they would not communicate, leading to the code not working overall.
