
March Summary

A project log for VR Integration in Stationary Bikes

I bring the outside... inside

nityanagrawalnitya.n.agrawal 04/19/2018 at 17:290 Comments

This month I ran into a lot of problems. Firstly, I uploaded the game from the computer onto my android phone and the car started going in the wrong direction. I tried changing the direction of the camera and the car and also modifying the values and location of the mobiletiltcontrolrig prefab that I was using. Despite all this I was unable to fix the direction of the car, so I started researching on solutions and looking deeper at the code. I think instead of using the mobile tilt I will use buttons or I will try remaking my entire terrain and seeing if the same problem occurs. Secondly, I had trouble sending the data from Arduino to Unity, however, I think that should be pretty easy to fix because I found a website explaining how to do so. Hopefully, next month I will make more progress than having setbacks. 
