
Instrument Progress!

A project log for Send Everyone To Space!

I'm going to design, build and document a space simulator for school use.

art-whaleyArt Whaley 08/21/2014 at 04:340 Comments

I've got the rough architecture built for the external instrument panels.  I haven't done a lot of C#, so it's been a good chance to learn that.

There are a couple of Kerbal plugins that get flight data out of the program and onto a network already - Telemachus hacks a webserver to actually run into Kerbal Space Program.  It's a great program with two-way communication... but it's a little taxing on KSP.  When I was polling the amount of data I needed... there were noticeable hickups.  

So I looked at GoAtThrottleUp... which is also great.  The GATU approach is to have the plugin just shout the data out via HTTP POSTs.  They're using a python relay server to make the data available via webpages.   I've decided to borrow the approach of shouting data out through POSTs, but instead of using the python webserver as a relay, I'm catching the data directly into a C# program that handles all of the display options.  

I'll get pictures up of the instruments after I publish this!
