
SynthEx a1

A project log for SynthEx

SynthEx is a self-made mini MIDI keyboard & controller powered by the MPR121 and the Arduino Mega 2560

mricz-gergMóricz Gergő 12/10/2017 at 17:110 Comments

(sorry about the audio quality, forgot i had master on 6dB. volume warning.)

SynthEx is a MIDI keyboard/controller that I'm working on. It's mainly powered by an Arduino Mega 2560 (i'm using a compatible) with HIDUINO. The keys are capacitive, there are 6 latching programmable pads (they simulate potmeters) and two buttons for octave switching. There will be 8 pots and a 7 segment display for displaying the current octave in the future.

I am not using Hairless MIDI, but I am flashing custom code (HIDUINO) to the atmega16u2 w/ Flip to enable USB MIDI. Note that you can't upload code to the main chip while having HIDUINO flashed on the atmega16u2. You'll have to flash usbserial back to the chip before uploading new code. (usbserial is available in the Arduino repository, the .hex file in the HIDUINO repository is incorrect)

Currently, I've taped a little keyboard alignment out of pins onto the surface that I'm currently making it on. The MPR121 uses I2C to save pins. Adafruit provides a library and examples for the MPR121 breakout board. The current code is built on the provided example for the MPR121, and I have put in some MIDI code.

I'm using Ableton Live and MIDI-OX for testing MIDI stuff.

The final product will have a 3D printed case, and the model(s) will be available in a GitHub repo in the future.

The next thing I will do is to get some potmeters and hook them up to send MIDI signals, so expect a log tomorrow/in the near future.
