
Start/Stop Organ Power Controller

This circuit is used to start a virtual pipe organ computer when the console has a pair of Start/Stop momentary contact switches.

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Power is drawn from an ATX power supply that can produce enough current to actuate all of the console’s solenoids that control the combination action. A 2-conductor wire is connected from the circuit board to the power switch of the PC. The PC is tied into a master outlet of a power strip. The ATX power supply is plugged into one of the switch outlets. When the PC is powered off, only the console’s Start button will turn on the PC. After the PC has been powered on, on the console’s Stop button can be used to turn it off.

Parts List:

RL1 - LittleFuse HE721C0510 Reed Relay

R1 - 10-Ohm, 10-Watt Wirewound Resistor (Dale CP-10 / Radio Shack 2710132)

24-pin ATX Power Harness

Order Circuit Boards...

Order from OSH Park

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