
Honeycombs everywhere

A project log for Microhacks

A collection of small ideas

ted-yapoTed Yapo 01/12/2018 at 04:490 Comments

Every few months I decide I need to use a honeycomb-type arrangement of something-or-other.  Today it was holes to fit a bunch of CR2032 cells.  I usually grab a piece of paper and figure out the spacing all over again - I know I have a dozen or more programs in various languages that do it, but I never can seem to find one, so I decided to document it here.  Maybe mostly for me :-)

If you remember one thing, it's that the row spacing is sqrt(3)/2 * the column spacing.  Every other row is offset by 1/2 the column spacing, which causes the staggering of adjacent rows.  A diagram is easier to visualize:

Using this, it's pretty easy to perforate a flat sheet with honeycombed holes in OpenSCAD:

// coin cell honeycomb separator

cell_dia = 20.5;
thickness = 2.0;
dx = 22;
length = 5*dx;
width = 3*sqrt(3)*dx;
epsilon = 0.1;

module spacer(){
    translate([-length/2, -width/2, 0]){
      cube([length, width, thickness]);
    for (i = [-5:5]){
      for (j = [-5:5]){
        x = dx * i - dx * (j % 2) / 2;
        y = dx * (sqrt(3)/2 * j);
        translate([x, y, -epsilon]){
          cylinder(d = cell_dia, h = thickness + 2*epsilon);

%translate([length, 0, 0]) spacer();
%translate([0, width, 0]) spacer();
%translate([length, width, 0]) spacer();
