
Improvements to the design

A project log for Kinematic Mount for 3D Printer Bed

Rock solid mount that allows the bed to expand when heated.

mark-rehorstMark Rehorst 05/01/2019 at 16:460 Comments

Recently, while doing some other work on the Z axis in the printer, I found that one of the PTFE leveling screw blocks had failed- it was getting wobbly.  I decided to redesign the blocks for more stable mounting.

New PTFE leveling screw blocks

These blocks sit on the 4040 tee support frame and are held in place with an M4 screw and t-nut.  They are very stable and the thickness of the blocks matches the length of the threaded portion of the leveling screws.

Here's how they look mounted on the tee:

Their positions can be adjusted as needed just by loosening the M4 mounting screw and sliding the block along the t-slot it sits in.  

And a close-up showing one of the blocks installed:

More details and a link to the CAD file here.
