Set the scanner for 90 degree scan, 2 seconds per pass and 13 samples per pass.
Little Monster Scanner V1.0 Waiting 10s for alignment of scanner R Scan: L Scan: .....*.**.**. R Scan:.......*.**.. L Scan: ...*.*.**.**. R Scan:.......*.**.. L Scan: ...*.*.**.**. R Scan:.......*.**.. L Scan: .....****.**. R Scan:.......*.**.. L Scan: ....*****.**. R Scan:.......*.**.. L Scan: ...*.****.**. R Scan:.......*.**.. L Scan: ....*****.**. R Scan:.......*.**.. L Scan: ...*.****.**. R Scan:.......*.**.. L Scan: ...*.****.**. R Scan:.......*.**.. L Scan: ....*****.**. R Scan:.......*.**.. L Scan: ....*****.**. R Scan:.......*.**.. L Scan: ....*****.**. R Scan:.......*.**.. L Scan: ........**.*. R Scan:.......*..**. L Scan: .....**.**.*. R Scan:.......*..**. L Scan: ....*****..*. R Scan:.......*..*.. L Scan: ....*****..*. R Scan:.......*..*.. L Scan: ....*****..*. R Scan:.......*..*.. L Scan: ....*****..*. R Scan:.......*.**.. L Scan: ....*****..*. R Scan:.......*..*.. L Scan: ....*****..*. R Scan:.......*..*..
The stars (*) are me sitting about 0.8 m away to the right of centre of the scanner. There is a distinct lag in the data but what is remarkable is how regular the scan pattern is.
Here I am 3 m away from the scanner:
L Scan: ............. R Scan: ............. L Scan: ..***.*...... Me R Scan: ..*...**..*** Me and dog L Scan: .*.*.*....*.. Me and dog R Scan: ..**...*..*.* Me and dog L Scan: ...*.*.*.**.. Me and dog R Scan: ..**...*..*** Me and dog L Scan: .*****...*... Me and dog R Scan: ..**.***..*** Me and dog L Scan: .*****...**.. Me and dog R Scan: ..**..*...... Me L Scan: .*****....... Me R Scan: ..**..*...... Me L Scan: .*****....... Me R Scan: ..**.***..*** Me and dog L Scan: .*****...**.. Me and dog R Scan: ..**.***..*** Me and dog L Scan: .*****...**.. Me and dog R Scan: ..**.***..... Me L Scan: **.****...... Me R Scan: ..**.***..... Me L Scan: **.****...... Me R Scan: ..**.***..... Me L Scan: .****.*...... Me R Scan: ..**.***..*** Me and dog L Scan: .*****...*... Me and dog R Scan: ..**..*...... Me L Scan: .*****....... Me R Scan: ..**......... Me L Scan: ............. R Scan: .............
On the right hand side (the last four samples) is the response from my dog moving in and out of the scene! So a pretty good result.
As I present a response of about 6 samples at 3 m (~40 degrees), clearly the scan is too wide (i.e. too fast?). I should be presenting about 3 samples at this distance.
Second Pass
Made three modifications:
- Increased the scan to +/-60 degrees (19 samples)
- Reduced the speed to 3.75 RPM (6 seconds per span pass)
- Offset the results 1 sample
Little Monster Scanner V1.0 Waiting 10s for alignment of scanner >> << ..........**....... >> ..........*........ << ........*.**....... >> ..........*........ << ........*.**....... >> ..........*........ << ..........**....... >> ..........*........ << ..........**....... >> ..........*.*...... << ..........**....... >> ..........*........ << ..........**....... >> ..........*........ << ..........**....... >> ..........*........ << ..........**....... >> ..........*........ << ..........**....... >> ..........*........ << ..........**....... >> ..........*........ << ..........**....... >> ..........*........ << ..........**....... >> .........**........ << ..........**....... >> ..........*........ << ..........**....... >> .........**........ << ..........**....... >> .........**........ << ..........**....... >> ..........*........ << ..........**.......
This my partner sitting in a chair about 3 m away. No signal if she is not in the chair. Well that seems to work fine.
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