
New Components Arrived!

A project log for The Open Woodwind Project

An Electronic Aerophone with focus on usability as an instrument.

j-m-hopkinsJ. M. Hopkins 01/10/2015 at 23:090 Comments

Exciting news towards the development of the next iteration of the Hopkins Electronic Aerophone! The final shipment of new parts and components have arrived and the next prototype will start being constructed.

Of the new parts the most exciting include the new Teensy microcontroller and APC 220 RF modules. The Teensy provides much more processing capabilities and more importantly better ADCs. The RF Modules have a much better power and signal level that should provide much improved range.

Also included is the veleostat subsititute that will be used for pressure sensing underneath the keys which will provide the easiest way for an electronic woodwind to provide open hole technique to the instrument.

The Combinator interface box will also be constructed this iteration and will provide a lot of functionality to the instrument.

Pictures will come soon! I regret the long delay in the development of this idea, but some times real life gets in the way, but have no fear, the construction of this instrument will continue!
