The Silicam IGO

The SiliCam IGO was a fully programmable stereo camera, which provides simple vision capabilities to small-embedded systems in the form of an intelligent camera. It was our first SmartCamera available to Universities and Makers !



The Silicam RIK

The SiliCam RIK is our new fully programmable SmartCamera!

Based on the feedback we got in the last two years from the Universities, we made a new board that is Smaller and Customizable.The people using it gave us few important feedbacks :

Based on these assumptions we remade the Silicam IGO.


The MoXi node alone and mounted on a our Silicam prototype

The Silicam RIK with the MoXi node used to connect it to the MoXi network


A simple video that shows the IGO streaming stereo video through serial TTL at almost 100fps