
Woah, What Happened?

A project log for Arbitrary Analog Sensor Tester

A tiny, Trinket Pro-based interface to test and/or calibrate various analog sensors.

angusjimikeithAngusJimiKeith 12/24/2014 at 18:580 Comments

Well, I haven't updated this project in three weeks. What did happen? And what's the status of the project?

Well, basically, it all exploded.

Quite literally the day after I posted this project, both of my major projects heated up at the same time. Sadly, that pushed this back until I had free time again. But, alas, what happens in mid-December for college students? Yep, you guessed it: final exams.

As a result, I've had no time to do anything related to this (or any other fun side projects, for that matter!)

So, to the important question: where does that leave this project?

Thanks to the couple of people who followed, and I hope to share more projects (with less delays!) in the future!
