
A better leak sensor

A project log for Leaky Faucet

This project's goal is to sense if there is a leak in a faucet and if so, to notify you over Bluetooth LE.

bob-burnsBob Burns 01/17/2015 at 20:530 Comments

I was a little overwhelmed at all the variables involved in using a piezo buzzer for a vibration/leak sensor so I bought a raspberry pi and played around with it for a while. One of the coolest things you can do with it is make it a web server and control switching lights or whatever with your phone. I started getting into Flask, but after a while I started to miss the real low level programming.

So I revisited the newLeak program and found a much better way to record the water flow and got way better results: 1floz per sec as opposed to 2 cups! It turns out I was using the interrupt pin as an interrupt and as input which gave me inaccurate readings. Here's the revised code: newLeak2.asm

So I'm back in it and next up is integrating the leak code with the bluetooth code. :]
