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A project log for commonCode (not exclusively for AVRs)

A shit-ton of things that are useful for a shit-ton of projects. (and, Think 'apt-get' for reusable project-code)

eric-hertzEric Hertz 01/23/2015 at 22:240 Comments

'commonCode' got mentioned on the HaD Blog; Hacklet 31! Awesome! Thanks, y'all!

( )

Please comment on, follow, and share this project if it interests you!

Currently, it's in an intermediate state, between:


I'm all-for making that transition, but there's a lot to be done...

Test-code, comments comments comments, documentation... I need to figure out how to *host* it (a server? Git doesn't seem quite right), and plenty more.

I could really use the support/encouragement.

And if you have ideas of how to make this transition feasible (help pay the bills, etc.), that'd be even better. I can't exactly visualize how to make something like this appeal to an audience like the KickStarter/IndieGoGo/GoFundMe funders... maybe you've ideas to share?

Note that 'commonCode' is a bunch of handy code-snippets/"libraries", but it's more than that... Think 'apt-get' for your microcontroller-project:
