
Abstract'n and PIC'n

A project log for commonCode (not exclusively for AVRs)

A shit-ton of things that are useful for a shit-ton of projects. (and, Think 'apt-get' for reusable project-code)

eric-hertzEric Hertz 06/28/2015 at 21:310 Comments

Have been working toward porting _commonCode to other systems for several years, now... For the most-part, it's been limited to AVR and Desktop PC applications, mainly 'cause that's what I had to work with (and experience with).

Some of my *much* older code was originally written exclusively for AVR, but when I revisited it the last time I intentionally spent quite a bit of time/effort abstracting it, despite the fact I was revisiting the code *for an AVR-project*. Kinda ironic, I guess, or something. So, in that process, I used OpenGL (on my desktop PC) to run the same code and sort-of simulate motion-control with pixels instead of an X-Y motor-based system. Really, quite backwards, but kinda interesting nonetheless, learned about OpenGL, came up with some uber-simple "game" ideas, and a few other things in the process.

Anyways, all that to say, motion-control, sensors, low-level serial protocols, etc. are *very* difficult to simulate without actual motors, or whatnot, and real-time low-level interfaces... Thus, more abstraction of lower-level commonThings like these via... #operation: Learn The MIPS (PIC32)
