
first Laser Cutter/Engraver Design

A project log for Steampunk HomeAutomation-Device

steampunk, casemod, homeautomation, arduino, 433mhz, python

helixHelix 01/22/2015 at 19:265 Comments

This is the first design of the mounting plate for the back of the clockhouse. Black stuff will be engraved, red stuff will be cut. I don't know if i take brass or acrylic. Acrillig could be cool with RGB Leds...


Helix wrote 01/23/2015 at 07:23 point

If i am lucky i can be at at FabLab today. So i will try the arcyl. I think you are right, i should try both and look wats looking better. The arcryl is not too expensive, so i'll try it first. If it fits with LEDs or not... also i have to see. I'll post some pictures. I thought to put 1 RGB LED in every corner and than controll it with the Arduino. So i could display some values like temperature, or humidity with colors.... hopefully i can post the first laser cut this evening. Thank you for your ideas and interest !

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davedarko wrote 01/22/2015 at 22:56 point

acrylics aren't that pricey, so I would try to consider both. I don't like acrylics and LEDs though, it's kind of 1990s stuff and this project should aim 1890s stuff ;)

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Eric Hertz wrote 01/23/2015 at 01:35 point

etched glass! ;)

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davedarko wrote 01/23/2015 at 01:45 point

oh yeah, how far are you on that? :) etched glass could work for the engravings, one would need some cutted stickers that are etchant resistent? But the holes?

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Eric Hertz wrote 01/23/2015 at 06:07 point

heh, I actually re-thought my posting that after I realized that a laser would probably have a hard time etching glass... But, you're onto something with the laser-cut-sticker-sheeting as an etch-resist. Holes: dremmel+diamond-bit? edge-lighting... (well, I have no idea how well edge-lit etched-glass works, my attempts have been less-than-satisfactory). Shall we adopt this project as our own? ;p

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