

A project log for Access B

Create applications in Visual Studio C# that can communicate with a 18F2550 and use it's peripherals

omarOmar 06/22/2015 at 23:240 Comments

Hi, after a long time I update the project:

All the methods are xml documented, so while you type the method data about it will apear. GPIO, ADC, SPI, I2C, PWM and analog comparator was tested and work OK, USART Synchronous and Asynchronous are tested to work (using logic analyzer) but I need to test with something that can reply I will do some code and a 16F628 to test USART, Voltage reference module isn't tested but today will do that.

Finishing with USART I will start with JTAG and the UDF (User Defined Functions) that I mentioned the last log.
