
Voltage reference module update

A project log for Access B

Create applications in Visual Studio C# that can communicate with a 18F2550 and use it's peripherals

omarOmar 06/26/2015 at 04:500 Comments

Hi!, today I update the class files and the MPLABX project, these includes an update to use the voltage reference module of the PIC, now you can have a reference from 0 to 75% of VDD or ony other Vref voltage (below VDD) that can be used for Analog comparator module or simply out that voltage on one pin of the PIC.

Also I uploaded a link to the HEX file (The file is inside the files of the MPLAB project but I want to put a link direct to the file).

Now I need to work to improve the EUSART code, I need do some code in a 16F628 to test the EUSART in Async and Sync modes.

The demos (LED, SPI, ADC) and the Debug App, uses the previous version of the class files dated from Jun/22/2015, the class files in that demos and Debug don't have the update of the Voltage reference module (well... yes it has but not improved like version Jun/25/2015).
