
Prototype (stripboard) done

A project log for Polling a Push Button Rotary Encoder

A push button rotary encoder is a neat input device for an Arduino. Unfortunately interfacing to it is not!

agpcooperagp.cooper 01/29/2018 at 14:590 Comments

Second stripboad prototype done

I spent a lot of time getting this done.

Here is the first prototype that got the LCD display working:

And the final prototype design:

Here is the assembled strip-board without the modules installed:

And with the LCD and RTC running (it is checking my custom clock):

Next step

Next is to get the menu system integrated.

Front panel

Now that the components have been located I can design the front panel.


The idea is that once I have a fully worked out prototype (complete with housing and power supply), I will get some PCBs made so I can reuse the design for other projects.

