
February Progress report

A project log for Speeduino

The Arduino ECU / EMS Project. Open, cheap, hacker friendly engine management

josh-stewartJosh Stewart 03/01/2016 at 07:361 Comment

Another month down and a pretty big one at that as far as the project goes! I'm really happy with the progress this month and, whilst many of the new features might not be exciting to a lot of people, they are very solid additions to what is slowly but surely become quite a mature product.

I've also been beavering away on the hardware side of things and whilst new products are a way off yet, I'm very, very happy with the direction this is going in. More news to come.

So, as far as the details go, the major changes this month are:

Code can be downloaded from:

As usual, please remember to reload your ini file in TunerStudio, otherwise many of the new features won't appear. If there are any problems fond with the new code, just let me know.


viniciustmachado wrote 03/31/2016 at 04:20 point

Congratulations for your hard working! I'm from Brazil and discovered Speeduino today. I did read about your project all day. Really interesting, I want to get one to try :) Sent you a message about it on the sales email. Keep on trying, I'm reading :D

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