
July 2016 Progress report

A project log for Speeduino

The Arduino ECU / EMS Project. Open, cheap, hacker friendly engine management

josh-stewartJosh Stewart 08/04/2016 at 02:000 Comments

Despite me being largely out of action due to other commitments that last 10 days or so, there was a lot of progress made throughout July. Some of these things are parts of larger pieces of work and aren't fully completed yet (Eg 5 cylinder support), so this update may look somewhat lite on for new features, but rest assured there's lots happening.

To keep things short and sweet, here's the list of the major changes since last month:

IMPORTANT: Because of the change with the signature, you MUST have Tuner Studio 3.0.2 or newer to use this firmware. It will fail to connect on any version earlier than this. I HIGHLY recommend the update even if you're not using this firmware though as Tuner Studio 3 is a great leap forward over the 2.6.x versions. It can be downloaded from:

As always, the firmware is available from the wiki:
Or now also as a release on github:
