
DECtape on the PiDP-8

A project log for PiDP-8/I

Remaking the PDP-8/I using the Pi, simh & a replica front panel

oscarvOscarv 12/23/2019 at 01:531 Comment

A lot of PDP-8s were run on DECtape - the venerable TU56. Rene Richarz just released his tu56 simulation for the PiDP-8. It's hard to describe - with the TU56 whirring on an animated small HDMI display, you really get a feel for Life Before Disks:

The simulation is timing-exact, and all controls work just as on the real one. Get one of these cheap small HDMI displays, and you can make a PDP-8 rack with tape drives!


Ken Yap wrote 12/23/2019 at 02:09 point

That's cute. Does it also make the appropriate noises?

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