
void mapper() Website Launched!

A project log for Open Ground Penetrating Radar

Make the invisible visible for about $500.

glenn-powersGlenn Powers 07/12/2015 at 01:100 Comments

Choosing a domain name is never easy. I settled on, as it has meaning on several levels. It's running the Odoo suite of business applications, which has the very true slogan: "Integration has never been so smooth." It's in the Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud.

I did some soul searching before adding Google Analytics. But, I decided to add it. Users can opt-out using the Google Analytics Opt-out Browser Add-on.

The fact that the great AI known as Google rummaged through my tablet, made a cool animation with my photos and then chirped at me to let me know about my new "Auto Awesome" photo kinda warmed heart. Here it is:

Bent's Camp; Land-O-Lakes, WI; June 2015.
(GIF palette has issues on hackaday. It looks awesome on my tablet.)
