
Raspberry Pi Security System

Rpi B+ and Webcam security system with motion, dvr, and remote access.

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Turning a raspberry pi b+, a webcam (Tecknet 1080p) and 1TB hard drive into a DVR home security system with remote access. I plan to add more cameras in the future along with sensors wired to each doorway.

I have almost finished the hardware side of things and I'm hoping to find some time to get the software setup the way I want it

  • 1 × Raspberry Pi B+ The Brains of the system
  • 2 × TechNet 1080p Webcam The Eye of the system
  • 1 × Tok Tok Designs® 60 x 10mm USB Powered Ball Bearings Fan 5v USB Cooling fan
  • 1 × 1 TB Toshiba USB 3.0 HDD (Walmart Black Friday Special)
  • 1 × Rocker Switch Radio shack SPST 25-AMP AUTOMOTIVE ROCKER SWITCH

View all 11 components

  • Upgrades

    Mike [Cazzwell] Cassell03/26/2015 at 00:55 0 comments

    I have added a male HDMI to female micro HDMI adapter cable and a 4 pole 3.5mm cable to extend the HDMI and AV outputs on the Raspberry Pi, along with a second Tecknet 1080p Webcam to double recording area.

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garrett wrote 12/23/2015 at 16:19 point

awesome project and idea. How did the softwear test go?

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