

A project log for ESPLux - Smarts for your downlights

A circuit you can place inline with your existing low voltage lights to allow for wireless control

mattMatt 05/20/2015 at 00:290 Comments

Hi everyone,

My life has been a bit busy recently, and so I havent had much of an opportunity to work on ESPLux. One thing that I have been doing is sourcing various LEDs from people so that I can test out my circuits with a wide variety of light sources. The thing that I have been noticing is the rectifier gets quite hot after a while. I wasn't really expecting this, although I probably should have. When it comes to designing my case, I am thinking I should probably incorporate some sort of heatsink into the design to try and wick away some of that heat.

Anyway, I am slowly working away at the first single board prototype. From what I can see, I should be able to fit it into the 70x43 (DP7043) Sick of Beige footprint, which is slightly smaller than a credit card. We will just have to see about that heat.

Hopefully will post another update soon!
