
Asking Around...

A project log for Gas Sensor For Emergency Workers

Gas sensor "grenade" that may save lives instead of taking them. The sensor can be thrown into dangerous areas to remotely report levels

eric-wiiliamEric Wiiliam 07/14/2015 at 21:554 Comments

Lately I haven't had the time to so much work on the project (I'm getting married in under 2 weeks) so I decided to ask around a few people on what they thought of the idea. As I know a few people in industry which this project targets I firgured getting some feedback would be great.

Opinions on the gas sensor were fantastic. As I expected it was well received. What I didn't toally expect was the slight "reprimands" for not taking this to market and filing patents etc. I've explained to a few people that without others providing design and code "open source" I would not have been able to do such projects. I don't think this was fully understood by most :)

I guess those outside the open-source community will never fully embrace the fact that giving things away is "normal" and needed to support growth. I actually didn't mind a scolding for this- must mean they think the project has merit :)

More updates soon. Feedback on the project and code always appreciated. Cheers!


Jeremy Lambert wrote 07/15/2015 at 14:00 point

message me when you get some time. the fire department is interested in an LPG version to detect gas leaks (leak/no ppm) more than the CO. 

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Eric Wiiliam wrote 07/15/2015 at 21:03 point

Well it already includes LPG so you could just remove the other value playbacks if you really wanted.

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Jeremy Lambert wrote 07/14/2015 at 22:09 point

they don't get it.  it's ok.

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Eric Wiiliam wrote 07/15/2015 at 13:44 point

Agree fully :)  

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