

A project log for Pi Car Stereo

Raspberry Pi based car stereo system

brandon-hartBrandon Hart 06/16/2015 at 03:452 Comments

I got really frustrated with some seemingly minor items that had a pretty major effect on the development of this system. For example, I never could get the touchscreen working properly. I assume it has something to do with the fact that my screen is higher resolution than most, but it just never worked properly. I also had issues getting the DAC to be recognized in the various versions of Kodi/RaspBMC that I loaded. In the end, it got to the point where I have now neglected my pi car stereo system in favor of my good old microcontroller projects for long enough that I have to officially consider it...postponed. I still want to get it working at some point, but I don't know when that will be.


wickedlemon wrote 08/18/2016 at 13:31 point

I'm heading down the same road building a PI in my car. I'm controlling mine using a web front end over wi-fi, so I can control my music with pretty much any old smart phone. No touchscreens involved.

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Brandon Hart wrote 08/18/2016 at 13:34 point

Sounds like a good way to go!  I wish you more luck with your version than I had with mine.  I plan to come back to it at some point, but I have too many other things to work on in the meantime.  

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