
Basic Motion Sensing Buggy

This will be my first robot ever built, first code ever written and the first (but definitely not last) search for the missing semi-colon..;

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UoM Robotic society joined, check. Spaced cleared on laptop and fresh new folders formed, check. Quick Google search of "what is a robot?", check.

I started this project in my first year of University after joining the robotics society. Since this is my first project using any kind of robotics/coding/anything engineering-y and is an ongoing project, I'll be writing in blog form as the story unfolds... I'll keep all ranting, mistakes and exponentially steep learning curves in here and once the battle is done I'll go back spruce it all up and make all corrections. That way people can learn from my mistakes and I can't pretend that, no, I knew it all along actually.

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