
Concept - Rotating Plate

A project log for Pill Minder - Automatic Pill Dispenser

Automatic pill dispenser for the aging and forgetful

dthunesdthunes 03/30/2015 at 18:430 Comments

I spent about a week fleshing out the plate concept idea. Some things that had to be figured out were:

I chose to combine the pill adding and subtracting together - using the same mechanism for both. To make this efficient, a combination lock mechanism is used to select the orientation of each "plug" individually using only one motor. The plugs would have to click into place so they don't get dislodged. Here's a project (video:youtube) by Matthias Wandel that shows the basic mechanism. Below is a sketch of my ideas.

The whole mechanism would have to be tilted to make the plate system work, so I make a sketch of the unit.

Not satisfied with just sketches, I modeled the concept. Below are some renderings.

Now to evaluate the concept.



Things that aren't quite figured out yet:
