I'm going to use the details section to contain the code used

There are three main modules, and these are all placed in the standard user directory that the ESP 8266 SDK uses for building code.


#include "c_types.h"
#include "user_interface.h"
#include "ets_sys.h"
#include "gpio.h"

//You will have to     os_intr_lock();      os_intr_unlock();

void tm1638OutBuffer( uint8_t * buffer, uint16_t length );
void tm1638OutByte( uint8_t data );

// 7 segment BITMAP for hex numbers
const uint16_t NUMBER_FONT[] = {
  0b00111111, // 0
  0b00000110, // 1
  0b01011011, // 2
  0b01001111, // 3
  0b01100110, // 4
  0b01101101, // 5
  0b01111101, // 6
  0b00000111, // 7
  0b01111111, // 8
  0b01101111, // 9
  0b01110111, // A
  0b01111100, // B
  0b00111001, // C
  0b01011110, // D
  0b01111001, // E
  0b01110001  // F

const uint16_t MINUS = 0b01000000;

// Bitmap for an Error String
const uint16_t  ERROR_DATA[] = {
  0b01111001, // E
  0b01010000, // r
  0b01010000, // r
  0b01011100, // o
  0b01010000, // r

// 7 Segment Bitmap for the ASCI Character set..  Note that this starts at ascii position 32, but 
// the array starts at 0 so you need to subtract the difference from the key.
const uint16_t FONT_DEFAULT[] = {
  0b00000000, // (32)  <space>
  0b10000110, // (33)    !
  0b00100010, // (34)    "
  0b01111110, // (35)    #
  0b01101101, // (36)    $
  0b00000000, // (37)    %
  0b00000000, // (38)    &
  0b00000010, // (39)    '
  0b00110000, // (40)    (
  0b00000110, // (41)    )
  0b01100011, // (42)    *
  0b00000000, // (43)    +
  0b00000100, // (44)    ,
  0b01000000, // (45)    -
  0b10000000, // (46)    .
  0b01010010, // (47)    /
  0b00111111, // (48)    0
  0b00000110, // (49)    1
  0b01011011, // (50)    2
  0b01001111, // (51)    3
  0b01100110, // (52)    4
  0b01101101, // (53)    5
  0b01111101, // (54)    6
  0b00100111, // (55)    7
  0b01111111, // (56)    8
  0b01101111, // (57)    9
  0b00000000, // (58)    :
  0b00000000, // (59)    ;
  0b00000000, // (60)    <
  0b01001000, // (61)    =
  0b00000000, // (62)    >
  0b01010011, // (63)    ?
  0b01011111, // (64)    @
  0b01110111, // (65)    A
  0b01111111, // (66)    B
  0b00111001, // (67)    C
  0b00111111, // (68)    D
  0b01111001, // (69)    E
  0b01110001, // (70)    F
  0b00111101, // (71)    G
  0b01110110, // (72)    H
  0b00000110, // (73)    I
  0b00011111, // (74)    J
  0b01101001, // (75)    K
  0b00111000, // (76)    L
  0b00010101, // (77)    M
  0b00110111, // (78)    N
  0b00111111, // (79)    O
  0b01110011, // (80)    P
  0b01100111, // (81)    Q
  0b00110001, // (82)    R
  0b01101101, // (83)    S
  0b01111000, // (84)    T
  0b00111110, // (85)    U
  0b00101010, // (86)    V
  0b00011101, // (87)    W
  0b01110110, // (88)    X
  0b01101110, // (89)    Y
  0b01011011, // (90)    Z
  0b00111001, // (91)    [
  0b01100100, // (92)    \ 
  0b00001111, // (93)    ]
  0b00000000, // (94)    ^
  0b00001000, // (95)    _
  0b00100000, // (96)    `
  0b01011111, // (97)    a
  0b01111100, // (98)    b
  0b01011000, // (99)    c
  0b01011110, // (100)    d
  0b01111011, // (101)    e
  0b00110001, // (102)    f
  0b01101111, // (103)    g
  0b01110100, // (104)    h
  0b00000100, // (105)    i
  0b00001110, // (106)    j
  0b01110101, // (107)    k
  0b00110000, // (108)    l
  0b01010101, // (109)    m
  0b01010100, // (110)    n
  0b01011100, // (111)    o
  0b01110011, // (112)    p
  0b01100111, // (113)    q
  0b01010000, // (114)    r
  0b01101101, // (115)    s
  0b01111000, // (116)    t
  0b00011100, // (117)    u
  0b00101010, // (118)    v
  0b00011101, // (119)    w
  0b01110110, // (120)    x
  0b01101110, // (121)    y
  0b01000111, // (122)    z
  0b01000110, // (123)    {
  0b00000110, // (124)    |
  0b01110000, // (125)    }
  0b00000001, // (126)    ~


#include "tm1638.h"
#include "ets_sys.h"

#include "osapi.h"

// These defines create simple shortcuts to switching IO pins on and off.
#define Set16_1 gpio_output_set(BIT16, 0, BIT16, 0);
#define Set16_0 gpio_output_set(0, BIT16, BIT16, 0);
#define Set14_1 gpio_output_set(BIT14, 0, BIT14, 0);
#define Set14_0 gpio_output_set(0, BIT14, BIT14, 0);
#define Set13_1 gpio_output_set(BIT13, 0, BIT13, 0);
#define Set13_0 gpio_output_set(0, BIT13, BIT13, 0);
#define Set12_1 gpio_output_set(BIT12, 0, BIT12, 0);  // STR
#define Set12_0 gpio_output_set(0, BIT12, BIT12, 0);

#define DEBUG

// SEND_tm1638_stb_0 : Set the strobe pin which in this case is IO pin 12 to 0
void SEND_tm1638_stb_0()
    #ifdef DEBUG
   uint8_t time = 20;

// SEND_tm1638_stb_0 : Set the strobe pin which in this case is IO pin 12 to 1
void SEND_tm1638_stb_1()
    #ifdef DEBUG
   uint8_t time = 20;

// SEND_tm1638_stb_pulse : Send a pulse down the strobe line
void SEND_tm1638_stb_pulse()
    uint8_t time = 20;
    #ifdef DEBUG
    time = 10;


// SEND_tm1638_clk_pulse : Send a pulse down the CLOCK line (pin 13)
void SEND_tm1638_clk_pulse()
   // Configure a delay counter - All delays calculated using a Logic Analyser
    uint8_t time = 20;
    #ifdef DEBUG
    time = 10;


// SEND_tm1638_data_1 : Set the data line to 1
void SEND_tm1638_data_1()
   #ifdef DEBUG
   // Now send a clock pulse to send the data 


// SEND_tm1638_data_0 : Set the data line to 0
void SEND_tm1638_data_0()
   #ifdef DEBUG


// This routine outputs a single BYTE to the TM1638
void tm1638OutByte( uint8_t data )
      #ifdef DEBUG
      // Send Data
        if( data & 0x01 ) SEND_tm1638_data_1(); else SEND_tm1638_data_0();
      if( data & 0x02 ) SEND_tm1638_data_1(); else SEND_tm1638_data_0();
        if( data & 0x04 ) SEND_tm1638_data_1(); else SEND_tm1638_data_0();
        if( data & 0x08 ) SEND_tm1638_data_1(); else SEND_tm1638_data_0();
        if( data & 0x10 ) SEND_tm1638_data_1(); else SEND_tm1638_data_0();
        if( data & 0x20 ) SEND_tm1638_data_1(); else SEND_tm1638_data_0();
        if( data & 0x40 ) SEND_tm1638_data_1(); else SEND_tm1638_data_0();
        if( data & 0x80 ) SEND_tm1638_data_1(); else SEND_tm1638_data_0();
       #ifdef DEBUG

// This routine sends an ASCI string to the display
void tm1638OutBuffer( uint8_t * buffer, uint16_t length )
    uint16_t i;
   tm1638OutByte(0x02); // Set Display Mode
   tm1638OutByte(0x40); // Set Data Instruction
   tm1638OutByte(0xC0); // Set Display Address
    for( i = 0; i < length; i++ )
      // Convert the string into a bitmap for the 7 seg displays using a predefined lookup.
      uint8_t byte = FONT_DEFAULT[buffer[i]-32];
      #ifdef DEBUG
      // Send Data to the LED above the display.  Just cheating here until I can work out
      // an alternative way of handling them
        if( byte & 0x01 ) SEND_tm1638_data_1(); else SEND_tm1638_data_0();
      if( byte & 0x02 ) SEND_tm1638_data_1(); else SEND_tm1638_data_0();
        if( byte & 0x04 ) SEND_tm1638_data_1(); else SEND_tm1638_data_0();
        if( byte & 0x08 ) SEND_tm1638_data_1(); else SEND_tm1638_data_0();
        if( byte & 0x10 ) SEND_tm1638_data_1(); else SEND_tm1638_data_0();
        if( byte & 0x20 ) SEND_tm1638_data_1(); else SEND_tm1638_data_0();
        if( byte & 0x40 ) SEND_tm1638_data_1(); else SEND_tm1638_data_0();
        if( byte & 0x80 ) SEND_tm1638_data_1(); else SEND_tm1638_data_0();
      // Send Data to the actual 7 seg display
        if( byte & 0x01 ) SEND_tm1638_data_1(); else SEND_tm1638_data_0();
      if( byte & 0x02 ) SEND_tm1638_data_1(); else SEND_tm1638_data_0();
        if( byte & 0x04 ) SEND_tm1638_data_1(); else SEND_tm1638_data_0();
        if( byte & 0x08 ) SEND_tm1638_data_1(); else SEND_tm1638_data_0();
        if( byte & 0x10 ) SEND_tm1638_data_1(); else SEND_tm1638_data_0();
        if( byte & 0x20 ) SEND_tm1638_data_1(); else SEND_tm1638_data_0();
        if( byte & 0x40 ) SEND_tm1638_data_1(); else SEND_tm1638_data_0();
        if( byte & 0x80 ) SEND_tm1638_data_1(); else SEND_tm1638_data_0();
       #ifdef DEBUG
    // Send the final command 4 which enables the display
   // Send the strobe high

// Routine to fetch the button presses back as a single byte with each bit representing a 
// button in order.
uint16_t TM1638getButtons(void)
  uint16_t keys = 0;
  uint16_t time = 20;
  uint16_t i=0;
  uint16_t pinvalue=0;
  #ifdef DEBUG
         os_printf("in: TM1638getButtons");
  // Send Command 1 - Which tells the TM1638 to send the button presses over the next set 
  // of clock pulses
  // Keep the strobe low
  // The data line was configured as an OUTPUT, now switch to INPUT mode
  gpio_output_set(0, 0, 0, BIT14); // Set GPIO14 as input
   // Read all 4 bytes.  the TM1638 can handle many buttons,  this display unit
   // only uses 8 buttons, but these are spread over the 32 bits returned
   for ( i = 0; i < 31; i++ )  {
      // Set Clock Low
         // Wait for stabilisation
           Set13_0; //13 clock
      //  Now check the data line high or low
      #ifdef DEBUG
      // Read input value on the Data Pin (14)
      // Buttons are mapped across 4 bytes, at positions
      // 1,5,9,13,17,21,25,29  Hence the various shift operations
      if( i == 28 ) keys |= pinvalue << 0;
      if( i == 20 ) keys |= pinvalue << 1;
      if( i == 12 ) keys |= pinvalue << 2;
      if( i == 4 ) keys |= pinvalue << 3;
      if( i == 24 ) keys |= pinvalue << 4;
      if( i == 16 ) keys |= pinvalue << 5;
      if( i == 8 ) keys |= pinvalue << 6;
      if( i == 0 ) keys |= pinvalue << 7;
      // Set Clock High
         // Wait for stabilisation
   // Reset 13 to be an output again

   return keys;

void tm1638Init()
      gpio_init();    // Initialize the GPIO subsystem.
      Set14_0; // DATA
      Set12_1; // CLOCK
      Set13_1; // STROBE
      os_printf("TM1638: Init Complete /n/r");


// Stuart Goggin March 2015
// ESP8266 and TM1638 LEDDisplayButton Demo
//  - Initial experiments driving and reading from a el cheapo TM1638 display unit

#include "c_types.h"
#include "ip_addr.h"
#include "ets_sys.h"
#include "espconn.h"
#include "osapi.h"
#include "mem.h"
#include "gpio.h"
#include "os_type.h"
#include "user_config.h"
#include "user_interface.h"
#include "driver/uart.h"

#define user_procTaskPrio        0
#define user_procTaskQueueLen    1

void ICACHE_FLASH_ATTR network_init();

os_event_t    user_procTaskQueue[user_procTaskQueueLen];
static void   user_procTask(os_event_t *events);
LOCAL         os_timer_t network_timer;
LOCAL         os_timer_t key_timer;

static        esp_udp global_udp;                                  // UDP connect var (see espconn.h)
static struct espconn global_udp_connect;                   // Connection struct (see espconn.h)
static        uint8_t udp_conn_ok = FALSE;                         // Bool to know if udp connection set

static void ICACHE_FLASH_ATTR udpNetworkRecvCb(void *arg, char *data, unsigned short len) 
    struct espconn *udpconn=(struct espconn *)arg;
    //  Diagnostic output via the FTDI USB port
    os_printf("UDP RECV [");
    os_printf("] ");

    // We have received an UDP packet - so let's dump it to the TM1638 LED display as ASCII
    // data.
    // Disable the watchdog timer to prevent reboots during the data send operation
     tm1638OutBuffer( data, len );

void ICACHE_FLASH_ATTR network_start(void) 
    global_udp_connect.type=ESPCONN_UDP;                                    // UDP Connection
    global_udp_connect.state=ESPCONN_NONE;                                  // 
    global_udp_connect.proto.udp=&global_udp;                               // 
    global_udp_connect.proto.udp->local_port=2222;                          // Set local port to 2222
    if(espconn_create(&global_udp_connect) == 0)                            // IF Correctly setup
        espconn_regist_recvcb(&global_udp_connect, udpNetworkRecvCb);
        os_printf("UDP connection set\n\r");
        udp_conn_ok = TRUE;

void ICACHE_FLASH_ATTR network_check_ip(void)
    struct ip_info ipconfig;

    os_timer_disarm(&network_timer);                // Disarm timer
    wifi_get_ip_info(STATION_IF, &ipconfig);        // Get Wifi info

    if (wifi_station_get_connect_status() == STATION_GOT_IP && ipconfig.ip.addr != 0) 
        network_start();                            // Everything in order
        os_printf("Waiting for IP...\n\r");
        os_timer_setfn(&network_timer, (os_timer_func_t *)network_check_ip, NULL);
        os_timer_arm(&network_timer, 1000, 0);  // Check again in 1 second

// tobinstr:  Integer to Binary
// Convert an integer in to a STRING containing the BINARY equivalent.
void tobinstr(int value, int bitsCount, char* output)
    int i;
    output[bitsCount] = '\0';
    for (i = bitsCount - 1; i >= 0; --i, value >>= 1)
        output[i] = (value & 1) + '0';

// key_check: Poll the keyboard and check for keypresses
// This routine is driven by a timer that operates periodically. 
void ICACHE_FLASH_ATTR key_check(void)
   uint8_t data; 
   char buffer[10]="....";
   // Bring back a 8 bit value representing keypresses.  1 button per BIT
   // This routine also decodes the odd bit vs button mapping of this unit.
   data = TM1638getButtons();
   // Convert the value into a displayable Binary value 
   //  0000 0000 - No buttons pressed
   //  0101 1010 - four buttons pressed
   tobinstr(data, 8, buffer);
   os_printf("READ %u\n\r",data);
   // Send the Binary string to the display
   tm1638OutBuffer( buffer, 8);


//Do nothing function
static void ICACHE_FLASH_ATTR user_procTask(os_event_t *events)

// network init function
void ICACHE_FLASH_ATTR network_init()
    os_timer_setfn(&network_timer, (os_timer_func_t *)network_check_ip, NULL);
    os_timer_arm(&network_timer, 1000, 0);

//Init function 
void ICACHE_FLASH_ATTR user_init()
    uart_init(BIT_RATE_57600, BIT_RATE_57600);                          // Init UART @ 57600 bps    
    network_init();                                                     // Init network timer
    char ssid[32] = "SSID";                            // Wifi SSID
    char password[64] = "PASSWD";                                     // Wifi Password
    //char ssid[32] = "B-LINK-MP01";                                    // Wifi SSID
    //char password[64] = "";                                           // Wifi Password
    struct station_config stationConf;                                  // Station conf struct    
    wifi_set_opmode(0x1);                                               // Set station mode
    os_memcpy(&stationConf.ssid, ssid, 32);                             // Set settings
    os_memcpy(&stationConf.password, password, 64);                     // Set settings
    wifi_station_set_config(&stationConf);                              // Set wifi conf
    // Init the driver for the tm1638 - just sets up the io pins
    // Set up a repeating timer that checks for key presses periodically
    os_timer_setfn(&key_timer, (os_timer_func_t *)key_check, NULL);
    os_timer_arm(&key_timer, 500, 1);
    //Start os task
    system_os_task(user_procTask, user_procTaskPrio,user_procTaskQueue, user_procTaskQueueLen);
    os_printf("\n\rStartup done\n\r");                                  // Startup done