
Basic circuit completed

A project log for Earbot

A robot with 'ears' to hear and turn to the source of a transient sound.

jangojungleJangoJungle 07/29/2016 at 13:460 Comments

Been a while! Since my last log I've had a baby girl! Woo-hoo! 😊

I've drawn up a basic schematic of the circuit and I'll post it in the next few days if I can. I've prototyped my circuit with the ADC I've chosen and am currently working with very slow progress to make sure my digital data is correctly coming out of the circuit. I haven't locked in to a microphone either, so the gain on my amplifier may need to be adjusted or adjustable.

I'm considering adding a simple RLC filter for noise above 20kHz so I can more cleanly do DSP on the signal later.

I'm also looking into a basic compressor so I don't have to worry as much about clipping. I'll have to decide on a dB level for design and go from there.

If all goes well, I should have something working by the end of the year! Slow and steady wins the race. 😊
