
Material choice

A project log for Team TAHMO

Develop robust and affordable advanced sensing capability for 20,000 weather stations in Africa (lightning, precip water, ...)

nick-van-de-giesenNick van de Giesen 07/28/2015 at 21:271 Comment

With the winning of the business competition in Rwanda, the building of the lightning detector becomes a serious pursuit. We decided on the following selection criteria for the materials, basically based on the idea that we are not professional PCB designers:

- Avoid surface mount (perhaps a next version?)

- Use pre-built modules for the RF components: AS3935 lightning detector and GPS module. There are well designed pcb's on the market that would be hard to beat.

We will build the PCB to house power supply and CPU and allows for solid mounting or connecting the GPS and AS3935 boards. The power supply will be solar panel based. Most of the time, the module will be asleep, during which about 70 muA is used. Once lightning is detected, the AS#(#% will produce an interrupt to wake up the ystem during which the system needs about 50 mA. We assume thunder storms will not last more than 24 hours, in which case the batteries chosen here should work.

With these consideration, these are the materials chosen:

Parts list v0.1 29JUL15
Part# PCBPower supply
IC1Voltage regulator 3.3VLP2950ACZ-3.3/NOPB
solarSolar panelIXYS SLMD960H12L
D1Zener diodeNZX6V8D,133/568-5917-1-ND/2531204
D2Schottky diode1N5817 STMicroelectronics
batteryBatterieseneloop AA 1800 cycle, Ni-MH Pre-Charged Rechargeable Batteries, 16 Pack
C1Capacitor 1 muFFK24X7R1H105K TDK
C2Capacitor 2.2 muFFK24X7R1C225K TDK
solar, batteryScrew terminalOSTVNxxA1x0
ATMega328IC SocketED281DT
Y116 MHz crystalHC-49US
C3, C4, C522 pF capacitors445-4718-ND
Thunder clickThunder click boardThunder Click
Thunder clickFemale headers 8-SIP801-yy-yyy-10-001101
GPSModule GPS Ublox NEO-M8TDrotek GPS module

Next step the PCB design.


frankstripod wrote 07/28/2015 at 22:34 point

Congratulations on that win!

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