
SMS sending

A project log for Home security

Home security project based on atmega and ardunio. MQTT gateway for data gathering.

vysocan76vysocan76 05/31/2014 at 07:392 Comments

My Dealextreme USB modem seems to be very unreliable, currently I'm considering buying some SIEMENS TC35 module with UART on ebay.

Other things are going rather well, RTOS is working along with webserver and still have plenty of horsepower. 


vysocan76 wrote 06/23/2014 at 11:25 point
Received the TC35. I must say a good piece of hardware, not exactly the mother-board, but the module itself. Very fast and responsive compare to the DX one.

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vysocan76 wrote 06/10/2014 at 13:54 point
I have ordered from ebay( SIEMENS TC35 module with regulator and antenna, this I hope will solve the problem with metal enclosure I have and put some stability to the system. From the schema it can be powered directly from my 14-12V battery charging system.

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