
More Updated Schematics

A project log for Tern - Ternary Logic Circuits

A series of ternary logic gates and higher level components implemented in the real world.

mechanical-advantageMechanical Advantage 08/17/2015 at 08:200 Comments

I've finished testing the Min, Max, Antimin, and Antimax gates with the Schottky diodes and 470K pull-downs. They work great. I've got two new files up detailing them.

The first is the Min,Max file giving the updated schematic for the Min gate and both the driven and un-driven Max gates. The other is the Antimin,Antimax file giving the Antimin and the driven and un-driven versions of the Antimax gate. They are here and here.

I am now including both types of Max and Antimax gates because the simpler (un-driven) types are more convenient, but the more complex ones need to be defined because if you try to chain a few un-driven gates together I'm sure the voltage drop would corrupt the signal.

I'll be duplicating this process for the 4 remaining gates I've previously worked out (Implication, Converse Implication, Nonimplication, and Converse Nonimplication).
