
And Now, A Useful Flip Flap Flop

A project log for Tern - Ternary Logic Circuits

A series of ternary logic gates and higher level components implemented in the real world.

mechanical-advantageMechanical Advantage 03/07/2016 at 08:440 Comments

I started to draw up the schematic for my new and improved D-Flip Flap Flop and then noticed that I was trying to use one of the unused TLC3704 comparators with a bit of diode logic. It was working, but it was a risk that could result in burning out the output stage of the comparator because it doesn't use open collectors. I switched to using the last unused LM319 comparator on the board and, voila! I now have a fully functional D-Flip Flap Flop with asynchronous reset to 0. All told it requires Four IC's and 19 passives, not counting bypass capacitors (of which there should be around 8 if I ever bothered to put them on breadboards). That's a bit nuts really, but hey, I'm working with the ternary equivalent of 1960's small scale integration technology so it's going to be pretty bulky. Here is the schematic.
