
Future Enancements

A project log for The Wing Bass

Half a bass that can easily travel, yet perform.

andybrownriandybrownri 02/01/2014 at 17:380 Comments

​Without a prototype in my hands, I'm already thinking about future tweaks and options for production:

* MIDI pickup - I could either go with Graphtech Ghost system or with a Roland GK-3B option. Being tuned in a range that would provide excellent tracking, this is a no brainer.

* Tweaks to the body design, depending on initial playbility. Could include a contour on the lower body to accommodate lap position, maybe with an adhesive strip for friction.

* On-board headphone amp 

* iOS interface for working with the ton of cool apps using Audiobus, without the need for an external device.

* Different woods, depending on initial tone. I love the warmth of mahogany, which initially seems to be the perfect application, but Alder or Ash may provide desirable flavors.
