
Even more new SDuino, capable of playing music by itself!

A project log for SD card sized board, let's say "SDuino"!

Once I was excited to see Intel's announce that they will release "SD card sized computer" but it was not true. This time I made it true!

kodera2tkodera2t 07/12/2015 at 13:190 Comments

Everyone knows SD card can store music file and movie, but don't know music playing SDcard. Here is it!

This is the inside picture. Indeed not so clean but bunch of wiring can be seen. The bottom right square component is piezo element. The original size was larger than SD card size so I cut it half by scissors. (Actually piezo element is not sensitive device. Just we need to care about electrode position, and it will keep working.) I2C pressure/temparature sensors and LEDs are still on board as same as previous version!

The actual operation can be found in the following movie. Have fun!
