
DIPSY meeting: Hamburg

A project log for DIPSY

DIY System on Chip based on FPGA, priced below 5 USD

antti-lukatsAntti Lukats 08/28/2015 at 17:472 Comments

This was the of the HaD HackChat FPGA event: 0300AM chat, then 0539AM to train to attend Würth FYE (Find Your Engineer) community meetup that was this time held on a ship Rickmer Rickmers It was not moving (or my sensor did not sense it), and it was not allowed to climb up the ropes there, unfortunately.

After the all-day meeting, @Christoph did join the FYE people for BBQ and beer. He had small good tips about the "eating order" at Panthera Rodizio TIP: if you do not skip some stuff that gets offered first, you are too full to be able to taste that good stuff that comes later! This is possible a good tip for many places.

Left: DIPSY (with BGA pre-soldered by me) - finished by Christoph

Right: DIPSY made from scratch by Christoph

The DIPSY carry box is pretty cool also, I could say it is DIPSY.COOL

Unfortunately I had to leave early to catch my train back:

Me and Christoph after first DIPSY meeting (Hamburg, main station).


Yann Guidon / YGDES wrote 08/28/2015 at 20:24 point

Awesome ! 

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Dimitar Tomov wrote 08/28/2015 at 19:48 point

I hope IF you continue to do those meeting only in Germany THEN to invent the teleportation device ! It's about time :D  

Also have to say - Liked the style you wrote the story + the photo sums it up pretty well :D Beer+Some bites of nice meal+NewTechStuff=Happy engineers xD

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