The main idea of this project was to have a clock based on an Internet Time Server (NTP). For the display of the hours we made an acrylic diplay with LEDs. We use the NodeMCU card to connect to the internet, choose the time and display on the display. The LEDs are RGB (model WS8212b). In a web page we can change the color of the led, increase or decrease the brightness. We are still testing and improving. If anyone wants to help with the project, it will be very welcome.
- We still can not connect to the NodeMCU via host, only by IP. (we need to connect via host to facilitate the user).
- We also need to make a connection code with NodeMCU to enter the login and password of the router to enable the consultation of hours on the Internet.
- We better cut and engrave acrylic laser, to make it easier to read the numbers (especially the numbers that are more in the background).
- We still have the possibility to present other information on the display, such as temperature, chronometer ... etc ...
- Maybe an application for smartphones to control the project.
- Anyway, I would like to do a collaborative project ... When ready, let's make everything available: code, links, laser cutting, app, etc ...