
Added two outdoor videos demonstrating DOLPi and DOLPi-Mech

A project log for DOLPi - RasPi Polarization Camera

A polarimetric imager to locate landmines, detect invisible pollutants, identify cancerous tissues, and maybe even observe cloaked UFOs!

david-prutchiDavid Prutchi 09/14/2015 at 15:410 Comments

Added two YouTube videos demonstrating the operation of DOLPi and DOLPi-Mech in real-time. The polarimetric cameras are imaging my daughter's car parked in the driveway. A linear polarization fan target by the front wheel provides a reference for the color scale:

This is the scene viewed in normal color vision:

This is the DOLPi-MECH real-time video:

This is the DOLPi real-time video:
