
NAND Version completed too..

A project log for Secure microSD Vault

FPGA emulating MicroSD runs Google ProjectVault HDL code.

antti-lukatsAntti Lukats 08/09/2015 at 18:320 Comments

As for google geophyte direct compatibility NAND flash is a must, then special revision is made with NAND flash (replacing the MicroSD connector). The Extension port for this version has 4 I/Os and JTAG pins, 1.8V logic level. There is one LED, as sensor system Si1143 is used with one IR LED.

Geophyte conversion to Vivado is WIP, it seems that linux machine with python >= 2.7 is required to generate the wishbone system. The SD Card part of geophyte did synthesis OK with Vivado 2015.2 funny google guys still use ISE 14.7 !
