
v1.1 boards are here!

A project log for 8 buttons 8 LEDs breakout board

Another compact, breadboard friendly breakout board with 8 pulled-down buttons and 8 LEDs.

charlieCharlie 03/09/2016 at 19:572 Comments

The boards finally arrived from the fab house! It's the same joy every time I open my mailbox to find the package Santa (OSHPark) sent me!

Back to the boards. They measure 53x18mm, slightly less than the previous version. The components are the same as for the previous version. Here are some pictures of it. First, the bare PCB then with the components.

Here are the two versions (so far?) of the board side by side. The second version (on the left) is powered directly from the power rails while the first version (on the right) needs two wires to get moving electrons coming in.

Also you'll notice the slightly smaller footprint of the second version.


Daniel Frausto wrote 03/10/2016 at 02:39 point


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Charlie wrote 03/10/2016 at 02:40 point


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