
New Transportation Medium

From the groundbreaking work of Scientists Chunlei Guo and Vorobyev
I had the idea of applying hydrophobic material to a boat

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By introducing the hydrophobic material between the water and the water vessel, the water
resistance should be close to zero. If a water vessel had very small water resistance the
speed it could obtain would be great as compared water resistance vessels(boats,ships w.e.)
Since I am poor and haven't the money to obtain a square inch of the hydrophobic material
I am not able to test the idea.

The laser etched material could be cemented to the hull of the vessel leaving

the design the same or upgrading it. The hull could be designed around

the material (flat to get the maximum hydrophobic mechanism).

  • LOG 000

    dw49r08/19/2015 at 03:31 0 comments

    Sent an email to the inventors of the process to assess my idea and ask if

    it is feasible. Ask if a small(very little,teensy etc.)sample is available...

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