
The Box Stops At Adam's Lab

A project log for Travelling Hacker Box

lol travelling salesman problem

benchoffBenchoff 10/13/2015 at 17:121 Comment

The next person to receive the Travelling Hacker Box is Hackaday's own Adam Fabio.

Want a video? Here's a video.

Here's what Adam added:

The box will next travel to somewhere around Waco, TX. The current plan is to sent the box around the US for a few more hops, before redirecting it to the Hackaday Supercon next month in San Francisco.

This is a map of the previous travels of the box. Blue is already travelled, Orange is the next leg of the journey:


Eric Hertz wrote 10/15/2015 at 17:22 point

Wavetable synthesizer daughter-boards were add-ons that *most* ISA (and some PCI sound-cards) I've seen could use, regardless of the brand. That huge header has basically only a handful of necessary pins. GND, +5V, +12V, and -12V (for audio op-amps, newer boards might not need +/- 12V). Reset (needs to be pulled-up, I think. Attach a button too!). Audio Out (left/right). MIDI-IN (TTL-level).

Seriously, add an optocoupler and connect it to a keyboard (or don't, and use an arduino), and you've got the whole slew of instruments/effects available on most decent-quality keyboards/controllers of the 80's/90's (Some people pay big bucks for those controllers for their "classic" instruments/effects, and those rack-mount boxes are way too large for most projects). And wavetable daughterboards are hard to find, at least with my search-fu.

And, realistically, it's outputting line-level audio, so I bet the +/-12V rails could be powered by +/-5V, and there just happens to be a bunch of DC-DC converters...

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