
The THB visits the Frozen Tundra

A project log for Travelling Hacker Box

lol travelling salesman problem

kruugKruug 03/01/2016 at 21:392 Comments

After a long wait, the box showed up at my work.

This box is quite heavy.

Hey look, a nice little hand-written note. :D

There are a LOT of goodies in this box! So many parts that I wouldn't know what to do with or have any use for right now.

So, I've decided on grabbing a few of the smaller pieces.

1 double sided protoboard
1 HD44780 compatible 2x20 LCD character display
1 Power bar
1 Qi wireless charger
1 Qi Wireless charger reciever
1 Jolly Wrencher sticker
1 USB DVB Receiver

I'm working on building a CNC, where the protoboard, the display, and the power bar would come in handy. I've always been fascinated with wireless charging so the Qi peaks my interest, and of course I need to add to my sticker collection.

I will update the post as soon as I have everything that's going in the box together.

My contributions to the box are:

4 Oscillators (8, 10, 15, and 25 MHz

2 Arduino Motor Shields

1 DVB USB tuner (same as the old one, but with a smaller antenna port)

Some FSFE stickers.

Next up, it's off to Maine, and I'll be taking it to the post office over lunch today!


paul wrote 03/05/2016 at 03:02 point

Looking forward to receiving the box and pawing through everything. It feels like Christmas for a hacker! Cant wait!

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jareklupinski wrote 03/04/2016 at 16:16 point

I'm going to market all my inventions now as being ULTRA PROGRAMMED as opposed to regular ol' programmed

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