
Ivan Making a Straight Shape

A project log for Ivan the Teambuilt Robot

An e-NABLE robotics project to give hands to those without use of their hands. Designed with your help.

les-hallLes Hall 09/08/2015 at 11:541 Comment

Here is Ivan making a 180 degree angle, or straight line. Not very straight, is it?

Maybe if I increase the diameter of Ivan's planetary gears then Ivan's NEMA 17 stepper motors will fit in the beige and gray angle bends and the cyan straight sections can be removed? Larger diameter also means we can up the gear ratio of the planetary gears from 3:1 to 4:1 or perhaps 5:1. There is an upper limit, though, because my printer only has a 6" cubed build volume so the outside diameter of the blue gear cannot exceed 6" which is 152.4mm. With skirt as part of the printing process that number is more like 140mm.


davedarko wrote 09/08/2015 at 12:42 point

I've printed my "design"

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