
Apple IIe Moog Prodigy MIDI

Create MIDI player software and homebrew MIDI interface for Apple IIe to control my Moog Prodigy synth and others.

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I have an Apple IIe, and a Moog Prodigy. Both are about the same age, so I thought the only sensible thing would be to get them talking to each other. I'm sure they'd get on.

As Apple II MIDI cards are very hard to come by I decided I will make a homebrew one using the inevitable Arduino connected to the Apple's serial card.

The Arduino will output MIDI which will then be converted to CV/gate control for the Moog with an existing converter. Once up and running it will be easy to add other MIDI devices to the setup.

At the moment the MIDI commands will be played out of the Apple IIe by just sending the MIDI data out of the Super Serial Card. The Arduino will simply repeat the same data out of its attached MIDI port at the correct baud rate.

Music will be composed on a normal sequencer and saved to a MIDI file. The MIDI file will then be converted to a CSV file (with that can be easily converted to an Applesoft BASIC program in DATA statements.

I'm not sure how stable timing will be, but we'll find out.

Next steps would be to get an Apple analogue joystick, and use that to control the Moog's filter. Also to build a bit more of a suitably flashy vintage on-screen display.

  • 1 × Apple IIe Enhanced
  • 1 × Apple Super Serial Card
  • 1 × Arduino UNO
  • 1 × Female MIDI socket
  • 1 × 220 ohm resistor

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  • BASIC program to play converted MIDI

    Paul Thomas08/28/2015 at 17:09 0 comments

    Wrote a very brief Applesoft program which just loops and prints out info read from DATA statements. Only a few lines long but seems to be almost sufficient to play a converted MIDI file, if fed the right data:

    10 L = 1
    15 READ D
    16 READ V
    30 L = L + 1
    40 GOTO 25
    50 DATA 20000, 1111, 50000, 2222, 70000, 3333

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