
First post!

A project log for BabyBioBox

Data logging device and software to keep track of baby's biological functions.

chrisChris 09/03/2015 at 01:470 Comments

My first steps for this project are going to be focused on getting the data logging and reporting server up and running, that way the data can be gathered even if the hardware side of this takes longer to get up and running.

As a first step I'm finally moving my pi's root fs off of the sd card and onto an external usb drive. Followed the instructions here. Worked well and now have 1.8TB to play around in.

Already have Apache up and running, need to get mod_perl installed and decide on a data store. Also need to start thinking about how the reporting will work and will be presented.

Other tasks to complete include working out what sorts of data should get buttons on the hardware and which will be web only and starting to come up with schematics for the hardware.
