
Temporary suspension of the project

A project log for nWatch

Selfmade watch that helps You learn STM32 programming.

peter-wasilewskiPeter Wasilewski 09/17/2015 at 19:170 Comments

I had a little accident with dc-dc step up converter for LCD's backlight. I think there was a problem with connection of the converter, but I'm not sure. Anyway my stm32 is not responding at all, even in reset mode. I think I fried it. Now I'm making a new board with a sram external memory and a bigger stm-stm32f407zgt6 to drive this memory. The PCB is going to be quite an challenge, but I have about 2 weeks until the stm32 arrives from China ;) .

I'm sorry to say that, but I didn't expect something like this to happen. Of course I'll keep You posted when I finish the PCB, hopefully without any bugs this time ;)

EDIT: Hmm that's weird - I tried to programm it today and it loks like it's still working well. I don't know what is going on - yesterday I was getting messages saying Error: Flash driver function execute error, and I couldn't erase the chip using st-link utility. Anyway I'm happy to say that the project is still alive. Although I haven't changed my decision regarding external memory and new PCB.

Tommorow I'll start working to get better looking buttons, list, and textboxes. See You ;) !
